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Smart lockers for medicine and health

Delivery and pickup station – Locksafe basic

Handover system for prescriptions and medicine

Your customers have ordered medicine from you, but do not have the time to pick them up during your opening hours. You have clients with long-term medication and want to offer them a way to receive the medication without lining up or waiting in the store.

With the compact pick-up station Locksafe basic you can offer your customers a round-the-clock pickup - safe, discreet and absolutely flexible.


opens compartment
from deliverer side
pharmacist places
ordered goods
in the locker
customer receives
pick-up code
via email or text message
customer enters
pick-up code
on pick-up side
compartment opens
takes goods

Improvement of customer service and satisfaction

Reinforcement of customer loyalty

Reduction of personnel costs

Competitive advantage – unique selling point

Storage of valuables – staff lockers

Smart lockers for your employees

What to do with the valuables of your employees? Of course, these should be stored safely and simple metal cabinets are not enough. The doors are bent? The locks have to be replaced because of lost keys? The compartments are permanently in use, but nobody knows from whom?

Staff lockers is your answer to these questions. These are keyless, robust and secure lockers with electronic lock, rfid locker, fingerprint lock, pin code lock with touchpad, lock with barcode scanner. The software can be used to view the occupancy of the system and to personalize compartments.


employee logs in
with PIN, barcode,
RFID or fingerprint.
employee places
valuables in locker
closes compartment

Secure storage of employees' valuables

Individual tray selection or personalized assignment

Keyless system, no need to change the lock in case a key gets lost

Administration, right and role concepts are controlled via software

Transfer station for pharmaceutical shipments - cool lockers

Cooled or tempered pickup station

You are expecting a delivery of urgently required, heat-sensitive drugs, but your receiving department is not manned round the clock? A courier company is due to collect a laboratory shipment from you which needs to be kept at a constant temperature, but you do not know when this will happen? Presumably, there is no employee on site to hand over or accept the shipments.

The temperature-controlled collection and pick-up systems cool lockers offer you the solution. In addition to cooling and freezing modules, the system can also be equipped with heated compartments. No matter what time of the day or night - cool lockers are always at your service.

Secure storage of heat- and cold-sensitive deliveries

Reduction of personnel expenses

Savings on delivery costs – 2nd or 3rd delivery attempt not required

Optimization of internal processes