Ein Metzger steigert seine Servicekompetenzen – via App und gekühlter Abholstation
Eine bayerische Metzgerei entwickelt sich zum Vorreiter in puncto Digitalisierung und Service: Wurst- und Fleischwaren aufs Gramm genau über eine App...
Innovative concept for local supply with regional products in rural areas
Cool lockers- facility enables sustainable grocery shopping close to home around the clock.
STOP for competing product ParcelLock: Hermes and DPD discontinue joint venture
ParcelLock does not meet consumer demands. Therefore, both companies decided to end the strategic alliance in the course of the year.
ParcelLock was...
Climate-friendly mobility: Intelligent bicycle garages for the city of Löhne.
New Velosafe facility for a European energy and climate protection municipality
Stylish ServiceBox in Manchester for a modern residential project
Residents of Manchester's No.1 Old Trafford residential development can now enjoy not only their stunning riverside location close to the famous...
Velosafe from LockTec - always with the customer in mind!
The uncomplicated use has always been a convincing point of our Velosafe bicycle garage:
Round-the-clock deliciousness with our cool lockers system
The customers of butchery Ammon can now also benefit from one of our cool lockers:
Relaxed shopping experience at the Ülemiste Center in Tallinn thanks to the Locksafe Smart electronic luggage lockers
Since June 2021, visitors to the Ülemiste Shopping Center in Tallin (Estonia) can now enjoy their shopping tour in an even more relaxed way:
French town of Bourgoin-Jallieu promotes regional trade
Customers can order a wide variety of products on the online shopping platform "en bas de ma rue", which means "in the middle of town". More than 300...